Social Media Resources to Improve your SEO Rankings


If someone likes something, the news spreads like wildfire in social media; and if others like it too, it takes only a few seconds for it to go viral. Basically everyone today who has an internet connection is active in some sort of social media platform.  The individuality of ideas is now often translated into a bubbling social discussion, and everyone contributes to marketing some opinion or other with or without being aware of it. We live in a world where technology is a necessity to get on with life, and in that life, social media plays a massive role in creating differences in the way people perceive things.
Social Media For SEO

A straight connection between social media and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) cannot be observed at one glance. But upon deeper investigation, it was found that social media spaces enhance the efficiency of SEO by promoting websites. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest are social sites where successful diffusion of ideas happens through personal accounts, while sites like YouTube are more exposed because everyone and anyone can visit and watch videos back to back. Search engines do not connect to such social media in a dependent manner, not in the least. The connection between the two is rather correlative and travels towards both ways. In other words, the number of shares, likes or comments you get on Facebook would not rank your website higher in the web indexes. But your social profile would certainly spring up as a top result in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), and would also be a gateway that links your social media followers to your website.


Content writing is a major component of the SEO strategy, and any sensible SEO company would understand its importance in making you popular in cyberspace. Google analytics has now updated its latest algorithms focusing the quality of content instead of quantity, where black hat SEO tricks like keyword stuffing and duplicating content that most SEO consultants so casually used are penalized to the very core. Writing the content of lesser quality is digging your own pit of degradation. Leading search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing encourage writing for the people instead of writing cunningly for search engine bots. Even if you write keyword-stuffed, low-quality content in a high quantity and somehow manage to sneak into a top position through the search engine crawlers without getting caught; the web users will make sure never to visit your site again because of its tricky, bogus appeal. An SEO agency might aim to please both the web users and search engine crawlers, and the only way to do this efficiently is by writing original, useful content worth reading.


  1. Hello,
    Can’t work with yoast. I haven't ever been totally content with Yoast. Want to know if any other writers have tried the INK FOR ALL tool?


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